Your next steps after the insurance company denies your claim

On Behalf of Renick Law Firm, PLLC |
Sep 18, 2023 |

Facing a denial from your insurance company can be frustrating and worrying. It is important to keep in mind, though, that you still have options to pursue.

When your insurance claim meets with denial, you can be proactive about resolving the situation. Get the coverage you deserve by taking the right steps after filing your claim.

Review your policy

You should start by understanding what your insurance policy does and does not cover. Knowing the exact terms and details can help you identify whether the denial is valid or if there is room for dispute.

Contact your insurance company

You can reach out to your insurance company by calling their customer service line or sending a written letter. Ask for a detailed explanation of the denial. Ensure that you gather all necessary information regarding your claim and make a record of your insurer’s response.

Correct any errors or omissions

If the denial is due to missing or incorrect information, take immediate action to correct the situation. Gather any necessary documents or proof to support your claim. Be diligent in providing the insurance company with the requested information to bolster your case.

Appeal the denial

If you believe the denial is unjust, you have the right to appeal the decision. Follow the insurance company’s appeal process as outlined in your policy. Prepare a clear and concise argument for why your claim is valid. Cite any relevant policy provisions and provide evidence to support your case.

Explore mediation or arbitration

Mediation or arbitration may be viable options for resolving disputes with your insurance company in certain situations. These processes can help you reach a mutually agreeable solution without going through a lengthy legal battle.

Data suggests that insurers deny as much as 20% of the claims they receive. Many people struggle to receive the compensation they deserve after a catastrophic event, but you can assert your rights to strive for a better outcome.