Do you know what steps to take after a car crash?

On Behalf of Renick Law Firm, PLLC |
Oct 02, 2022 |

After a vehicle crash, even a minor collision, you should check for injuries and call 911 if anyone appears to be hurt.

This is an instinctive action, but what next? Do you know what you should do after a crash?

Make phone calls

In addition to calling 911, if necessary, phone the police to report the accident. If the incident is more than a minor fender bender, you can expect law enforcement officers to arrive. You should also report the accident to your insurance company and your attorney.

Exchange information

You and the other driver only need to exchange names and insurance information. Keep conversation to a minimum and do not discuss fault for the accident. Do not blame the other person or accept responsibility for the accident yourself. The less said the better in this case.

Document the incident

Your smartphone will come in handy after a vehicle crash. Take photos of the damage to all vehicles, the license plate on the other car, and, if possible, a photo of the other driver. Note the date and time of the accident. Jot down any additional information: weather conditions, road conditions, the direction in which each vehicle was traveling and markers such as highway signs or significant buildings.

Seek medical care

Even if you believe you are not hurt in any way, see a doctor promptly in case you have underlying injuries. Remember that a doctor will write a report containing a diagnosis and recommended treatment. If you have injuries, you should focus on recovery while an advocate negotiates insurance compensation on your behalf. A proper settlement should include coverage for your medical expenses and more.