Can mild brain damage have long-term effects?

On Behalf of Renick Law Firm, PLLC |
Apr 13, 2022 |

Whether you are in a minor fender bender or in a more serious collision, you may suffer from serious damage. Even minor injuries can have long-term effects on your ability to maintain a good quality of life.

Car accidents are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not only should you seek medical treatment as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident, but it is important to know how to spot the signs of brain trauma.

What is mild brain damage?

The soft brain tissue sits suspended within the hard skull cavity. The sudden impact of an accident may cause the brain to hit against the hard skull bone, potentially causing brain bleeding, bruising and inflammation. Brain damage can vary from mild to more severe cases, depending on the force of impact and area of damage.

While normal scans often cannot find mild brain damage in white brain matter, magnetic resonance imaging uses contrasts in brightness to determine damaged areas of the brain.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of mild brain damage differ depending on the situation and site of injury. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, common symptoms of brain injuries include the following:

  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Headaches
  • Sensory deficiencies, such as ringing in the ears or blurred vision
  • Fatigue or change in sleep patterns
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Behavior changes

These symptoms can make it difficult to work, engage in hobbies or even take care of everyday tasks. Some may worsen over time if not treated properly. If you are diagnosed with traumatic brain damage, an interdisciplinary team of professionals can help to minimize the damage.