Category Archives: Personal Injury

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Wrongful death lawsuit filed by family of rollover victim

Wrongful death lawsuit filed by family of rollover victim

Many in Texas may misunderstand the general purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit. Some may view it as the family and friends of an accident victim trying to punish the person or parties responsible when legal authorities fail to pursue criminal charges. Others might see…

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How do doctors treat traumatic brain injuries?

How do doctors treat traumatic brain injuries?

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to changes in the brain after a person experiences a head injury. In some cases, these changes are minor and temporary. In others, they have lasting, and sometimes debilitating, effects. That is why medical treatment…

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How can a plant explosion injure your ears?

How can a plant explosion injure your ears?

Working around flammable substances like chemicals and oil can be a major risk. Some plant workers suffer burns if they are near an explosion. While you might escape burns or smoke inhalation if an explosion occurs, the sound of major combustion can be loud and…

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What are some signs of a traumatic brain injury?

What are some signs of a traumatic brain injury?

A car accident or a falling object can leave you severely injured, to the point where you may not be able to return to work. Knowing the signs of a traumatic brain injury can help you notice this serious health issue. Confusion and mental fog…

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First-in-human study shows promise for SCI therapy

First-in-human study shows promise for SCI therapy

One of the toughest realities that those suffering from spinal cord injuries have to face is that there is no real cure. Surgery and rehabilitation increase the odds of recovery, but nothing is certain. Those left with permanent motor function loss or even bodily paralysis…

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Data on fatal traffic accidents in urban and rural areas

Data on fatal traffic accidents in urban and rural areas

Whether you drive on rural roads each day or you typically drive in a rural area, it is essential to understand the risks you face. From busy cities to quiet towns in the countryside, driving anywhere can result in an accident that causes serious injuries…

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