Category Archives: Motor Vehicle Accidents

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What causes a fiery crash?

What causes a fiery crash?

A car bursting into flames is not an uncommon sight on the big screen. But did you know that statistically speaking, more people face injury in car fires than apartment fires? It is potentially a more common risk than you know. Obviously not every car…

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Lack of natural light can affect driving

Lack of natural light can affect driving

Whether traveling home from work or rushing to a dinner party, Texas motorists fill the roadways even after the sun goes down. Although the roads are lit with streetlights and the glow from headlights, the lack of natural sunlight poses a threat all its own.…

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How do drivers combat inattentional blindness?

How do drivers combat inattentional blindness?

Inattentional blindness is a psychological phenomenon you may not have heard of before, but you have likely experienced. In daily life, it does not usually pose a problem. But it could become a danger in no time at all under other circumstances. This includes when…

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Is this inattentional blindness?

Is this inattentional blindness?

When you get behind the wheel of a car, your level of attention is crucial. One slip of your mind and you could end up getting involved in a serious crash. Unfortunately, there are some things that can distract your attention even if you otherwise…

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Police chase results in fatal collision in Snook

Police chase results in fatal collision in Snook

A common debate that occurs in relation to car accident liability is the extent of fault placed on a driver for injuries sustained by passengers. While most in Texas likely agree that an adult driver holds the brunt of the responsibility when it comes to…

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How do doctors treat traumatic brain injuries?

How do doctors treat traumatic brain injuries?

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to changes in the brain after a person experiences a head injury. In some cases, these changes are minor and temporary. In others, they have lasting, and sometimes debilitating, effects. That is why medical treatment…

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