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Are there different types of burn injuries?

Are there different types of burn injuries?

Burns are very common. In addition to minor effects, they can also cause devastating, life-altering injuries. According to, burn injuries cause the death of approximately 4,000 people every year in the U.S. When determining severity, the type of injury can play a role. Here…

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How do doctors treat minor burns

How do doctors treat minor burns

\Because of a personal injury, you suffered major burns. You know you probably have a legal case against the at-fault party, but you must focus on recovery now. How should you treat your injuries? Mayo Clinic explores treatment options for burns. Help the healing process…

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What is a third-degree burn?

What is a third-degree burn?

Burn injuries have many causes, including exposure to open flames, electrical shock, and scalding. While first and second-degree burns are definitely painful and often require medical treatment, third-degree burns are much more serious. According to Healthline, third-degree burns can lead to major health issues and…

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Are there different degrees of severity in burn injuries?

Are there different degrees of severity in burn injuries?

Burn injuries can represent chronic pain, loss of function and physical impairment. Unfortunately, some burn injuries are catastrophic enough to warrant amputation. Many individuals do not realize there are numerous types of inciting events and levels of severity to burn injuries. People can suffer burns…

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